Sunday, January 31, 2016

Have you met my Father?

"...To them He gave the right..."

Let me ask you a question- if you had to reach out and find someone who has had issues with their mom or their dad, would you have to look very far? What about those who are struggling right now? Or those who have struggled in the past but are perhaps reconciled now? My guess is that you would not have to look very far or hard. It may be someone you know- a friend, a sibling. It may even be you. But one way or another you either know someone who knows, or you know for yourself, what it is like to have "issues" with one's dad or mom. 

Here is another question- have you ever read Greek mythology? Even a little bit. In school, public, private, or homeschool, you probably have heard some variety of it. Quiet frankly (this is a new discovery to me) even the word "panic" comes from Greek mythology. Anyhow, if you know anything about the Greek gods, and even if you don't allow me to enlighten you, then you probably have reached the conclusion that they are really not that powerful or godly. Or wonderful. Or even mature. In fact, they are basically slightly more powerful and harder to kill versions of out of control human beings. 

I ran across a more recent adaptation of Greek mythology and noticed an interesting fact about the Greek gods and their half-human children, demigods. In the stories, the children often times harbor anger, bitterness, and frustration with their god-parents for various reasons- the gods have not been around for them or are too busy running different aspects of the world to focus on their unfortunate children. An interesting contrast is presented when one compares these fictitious gods with the true God. 

God is truly powerful, holy, and righteous. He created the world and is completely in control of it. He is an incredible and amazing God. 

Now, imagine yourself standing at the base of a mountain. You probably begin to see how small you are. Now try that with the state you are in. The country? How about look up at the massive night sky? You are tiny, right?

Want to know something cool? 

Unlike the insignificant Greek gods who ran around occasionally bringing half-god children into the world in both an all around immature and out of control fashion, God sent His Son to Earth to die for our sins. And through this, He opened a door for us to come to Him and call Him "Father." Instead of leaving hopeless children to feel like orphans, He has welcomed us in. He selflessly gave us the ability to be His children. And God is not the sort of father who does not have time for His adopted heirs. Instead, the great Creator of the world truly cares about the little intimate details of your life. He wants to know me. Wants to hear from me. Wants to be there for me. He has both welcomed me into His family and continues to draw me closer to Him because He truly wants to have a relationship with me. 

On the days when I begin to feel an orphan again, running away and slamming the door, when I have half convinced myself that God is really not that close, that He is real but somehow far from me, here is the truth, God loves me. He gave up His Son's life for me. He welcomes me in. And He pursues me, even when I turn away and am distracted by the flashing, deceptively beautiful temptations outside the safety of His arm. HE. LOVES. me. 

So if you are struggling with the feeling that you are removed from God's family, if you feel abandoned in a miserable alley, once you have been accepted into God's forever family, you will never be booted out the door. Even if you stray. Its permanent and the adoption process cannot be reversed. I am a daughter of my God. 

So here is a letter to myself (and to you), for when I feel discouraged. I have a Father who loves me no matter what. I have a Father who will always pursue me. Always hold me. One day, I am going to be welcomed in His house. Forever. And to me He gave "the right to become children of God."

"Where can I go from Your Spirit? 
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall lead me,
and Your right hand shall hold me."
Psalm 139: 7-10

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