Sunday, August 24, 2014

Protein Shake One: Chocolate-Almond Protein Shake

Protein Shake Test One

So today, I finally got around to trying out my own type of protein shake. It was nothing particularly special but it was pretty yummy. I wrote down the ingredients and the measurements, which is very rare for me when I am creating my own recipes, so that I would be able to recreate it if I wanted. This one was super simple and just took a few minutes to make. It was less like a smoothie and a bit more like very thick chocolate milk. Now for the recipe!

Chocolate-Almond Protein Shake

Preparation and Blending Time: 5 minutes      Level of Healthy: Very          Taste: Yummy

1 Cup Milk
1/3 Cup Almonds
1 Tbs. Chia Seeds
1 1/2 to 2 Tbs. Raw Coconut Oil (depending on how strong of this taste you prefer)
1 1/2 to 2 1/2 Tbs. Raw Honey (depending on the level of preferred sweetness)
2 Tbs. Cocoa Powder
1 Banana
1 Handful of Ice Cubes

Blend in a blender on high and until ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the desired texture. Serve while it is still cold for best taste and enjoy!!

Now for my results!

I made this as a kind of dinner for myself. It was yummy and pretty filling. It made between 12 and 18 ounces, and I gave a little glass to Mama and she said that she thought it was very good. For myself, I think the balance of all the ingredients took on the correct level of flavors which I prefer. For someone else, they may want it a tiny bit more sweet and perhaps not as strong a flavor of cocoa.
I think all the ingredients at beneficial to a certain extent. The two ingredients which I do not know the most about are the milk and cocoa powder. I need to research the cocoa powder and see what benefits it may have. With the milk I used whole milk which had not been homogenized and pasteurized at a lower temperature, slower. Ideally, the best cow’s milk one can get is raw milk. It has an incredible amount of enzymes and other properties which are super good for one’s body. However, often it can be hard to find a place to buy raw milk (in some States, one may only buy raw milk if that person owns a share of the cow from which the milk comes) and also expensive. There are two other kinds of milk which I have used and which both have benefits which I hope to eventually research and write on- these being coconut milk and almond milk. I know both of these, especially in their unsweetened form are packed with yummy essentials for the human body.

In conclusion, the protein shake which I made was very easy to make, excellent for one, and especially beneficial as a post-workout drink, and delicious. I hopefully will be able to share some more of the reasons why the ingredients included in this protein shake are so good for the athlete’s, and the overall human, body. I also hope to play around with some other ideas and different flavors in the next few weeks if and when I have the time.

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